Inspired by the wonderful world of tiny people and photography i have tried my hand at the wonderful world of Micro Photography!
What is it? well basically it's the use of tiny people which normally are used for electric train hobbyist and putting a new life into these little humans in the big bad world!
Got the main idea from with the new Studio Ghibli's The Secret World of Arrietty and also Terry Pratchett's "Truckers" series.
So what do you need?
- Selection of tiny people i would recommend heading down to your local hobby store or ebay to find micro person. There is a wide selection and depending on which quality you would prefer you can get 100 for $10 AUD or some of the nicer ones e.g. Faller or Preiser branded ones are about $20 AUD for approx. 5 depending on the theme and detail, but you are paying for what you get.
One more point to note is the scale... HO ... Z.... i would recommend the HO scale as it is proably the most common -> most styles and sometimes cheaper!
- Camera depending on your budget and the gear you have i would recommend a Macro lens of some sort and a DSLR however a lot of compact cameras these days have "Macro" option and take some quality shots.
- a scenario or scene you wanted to act out or have the Micro Person in... the example i have is hikers hiking through some "Mountains"
- a big sense of imagination! Yes! the most important point.. you can have the best gear and preparation but if you don't have the imagination the photos are going be boring!
This can be alot of fun... interesting situations and/or let your imagination run wild!!!
I look forward to more Micro World Photography!
Signing Off
Mad Nomis